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  • Slow-Cooked Apple Cherry Pastries with Vanilla Cream

    Puff pastry shells and your slow cooker make it so easy to make this delectable dessert.  The shells are filled with a warm apple and cherry mixture and topped with creamy vanilla pudding…yum!

  • Caramel Apple & Pecan Napoleons

    Between two puff pastry rectangles you'll find a mouthwatering mixture of apples sautéed with butter, brown sugar and cinnamon, topped with caramel sauce and chopped pecans. Served warm with vanilla ice cream, you get the wonderful flavor of apple pie without all the work.

  • Apple Roses

    You don’t need to be a pastry chef to bake this deliciously tempting rose-shaped dessert. It tastes just like apple pie.  And it looks a lot like a beautiful red rose.  Made with naturally sweet apple slices, sprinkled with cinnamon and rolled up in a perfectly crispy puff pastry. – Manuela from Cooking With Manuela.​