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  • Sweet & Savory Breakfast Puffzels

    You already know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but sometimes it can be so darn boring. Well we’ve livened it up with a Stuffed Breakfast Pretzel that takes flaky pastry and fills it with sweet orange marmalade, smoky sausage and sharp Cheddar cheese – This is one breakfast that you won’t want to skip.

  • New England Harvest Turnovers

    These turnovers are a little savory, a little sweet and a whole lot of delicious.  They're filled with apples, Cheddar cheese and bacon…you can't go wrong with that combination!

  • PB & J Doughnuts

    Oh these are so good…they're a sophisticated spin on doughnuts that features golden puff pastry filled with creamy peanut butter and raspberry jam.  They're irresistible!